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Separation and Divorce

Unfortunately some relationships break down. Coming to a legal separation or divorce agreement can sometimes be a complicated process and so it's important to get sound advice from experienced solicitors.

At Taylor & Buchalter, we can represent your interests and help you deal with all of the legal consequences which might arise. We can help to negotiate a separation agreement, including a child custody agreement if required, on terms that are mutually satisfactory. In the case of marital breakdown we will represent you in separation or divorce proceedings and in any property transactions that may arise.

The following are some of the areas on which we can provide you with advice and assistance:

Separation Agreement:

Persons who have been married may separate voluntarily and enter into a Separation Agreement. This is a legal agreement and it can deal with custody of and access to children, maintenance for the children and/or dependant spouse, division of property and succession rights.

Judicial Separation:

Where the parties cannot reach agreement they can apply to Court for Judicial Separation. The Court can deal with custody, access, maintenance, property and succession rights.

Also, the Court can make pension adjustment orders which may give one party a share in the other parties' pension on retirement. Furthermore, the Court can order that one party no longer has any rights to the other's pension.


Mervyn Taylor, a retired solicitor of Taylor & Buchalter was Minister for Equality and Law Reform and introduced the Family Law (Divorce) Act into Ireland in 1995. This made it possible for separated spouses to obtain a divorce, provided that they have lived apart for 4 years of the previous 5 years.

In order to be divorced an application must be made to Court. Various Orders can be made dealing with custody, access, maintenance, division of property, succession rights and pension adjustment Orders.

Contact our expert divorce solicitors if you would like to discuss your situation and get some advice:

Niall Courtenay -

Beverly Turner -